These might be the best car and minivan deals

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Deal Hunters: These cars (and minivan) might be your best chance at a great deal right now Deal Hunters:

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So, if you’re shopping for a good wholesale replica designer handbags deal on a solid Replica Handbags set of wheels, bust out of the follower mentality and take a serious look at the cars on this list. Heck, you might replica handbags online even think about plunking down some replica bags cash on high quality replica handbags a minivan and make your life easier for a change. Point is, gas prices will go up, and cars are safe, fun, practical, aaa replica designer handbags and more efficient than a similarly sized SUV.

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Stacks and stacks of incentive cash or a low interest rate

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Ultimately, the bottom line is this: when too many cars sit unsold, there is not enough space on dealer lots to park new inventory. Additionally, the more time a car sits, the less money a dealership makes. If you can find the good cars that aren’t selling, the ones that the automaker and dealer are eager replica handbags china to move, then you can score a killer deal.

As simple as that seems, it’s not at all. And that’s where we come in.

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We look first for real slow Designer Fake Bags pokes, those cars stuck on dealer lots for 80 days or more. Then we compare special offers and cash back discounts.

We then cross reference vehicles based on current sales trends; if a model has fallen below its 2017 sales pace, it may end up here. Or, if there’s a high volume of vehicles at one Fake Designer Bags time, that might get them on the list.

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Day’s supply, and why it matters

At the core of our approach is what the industry terms „day’s supply,” an ever changing number based on how many days it takes to sell what’s available to purchase, based on the previous Designer Replica Bags month’s replica Purse daily sales rate.

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Day’s supply is important because vehicles that linger cost dealers (and automakers) a significant amount of money in terms of space and investment. In general, the longer something sits, the more willing a sales manager is to negotiate, deal, plead and whine.

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Unless otherwise noted, incentives expire at the end of the month, and base sticker prices include automatic transmission and destination charges.