granny squares This Year

replica bags online This is my LAST SQUARE for Project 101. Number 101. replica bags online

How fitting is it that I used blue yarn? AND today is a Monday. I am a bit THE END. Fake Designer Bags And it is oh so bitter sweet.

I am happy to have accomplished something I set out to do and see it to the finish. But I am sad to see this project come to an end. Replica Bags Wholesale I was delighted to get started each morning. Not knowing what challenges I would face. Each square Replica Bags offered different techniques and different replica handbags online ways to create a replica handbags china square.

I am not even afraid of Puff Stitches any longer. This entire square is nothing but puff stitches. Puff replica bags stitches?? Hmmm. I can remember attempting to make my very first one months ago. But I have come a long way, baby!! Only took me an Replica Handbags hour to finish this entire square.

The reason I selected this square as the last was Designer Replica Bags so I could strut my stuff. Telling myself I no longer needed a crutch. Did not need to insert the plastic needle through the loops to slide the hook through. Nope, didn I learned a new trick along the way to get the hook through all those loops. Pinch the wholesale replica designer handbags bottom of the yarn as I cheap replica handbags pull through the top. It works for me every time.

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But today I just want to enjoy the thrill of accomplishment. Hope you enjoyed each and every square. To those of you who bought the book or plan to do so, good luck to you. Hope you will have as much fun as I did.

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buy replica bags online Patterns can be found in the book, 101 Crochet Squares, by Jean Leinhauser. First time, I guess I missed where the instructions said the same stitch. So my 1st attempt turned into a ball. Giving it a second try, I did it right this time. buy replica bags online

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Here how the square starts off. You can see the bobbles here. They look like clusters or popcorn stitches.

These next two pictures show a mini bobble aaa replica designer handbags on the hook and the actual mini bobbles. They look like knots. Like a knot on the head. (I think I did them right. This is the only way I could figure out how to get 2 loops on the hook to yarn over with!!)

Can you just see this larger!! With cute little glass lights or crystals?

I made a couple changes. Increased stitches in the corners and also added an extra round of single crochet around the edges.

Don know if this is supposed to be here in the center but I flattened it. Looks better.

I made the 8 berries per the instructions but found a better way to insert them in between the popcorn stitches. Pattern called for making one Wholesale Replica Bags berry, finish off, weave in ends. Then, make 2nd, 3rd, etc.

No way was I going to be left with 16 dangling pieces of yarn. Just for the berries!! So I cut a LONG piece of yarn, threaded an embroidery needle and weaved in and out of the popcorn stitches along the first row. Made a berry, moved on to the next one. I ended up with just TWO ends to weave in, not 16!!

measures 7 1/2 saved the BEST for last.

LOVE, love, love this square. I will definitely make more!! Even with all the pieces to it. The square was fast to make so I had extra time to make the 3 Designer Fake Bags holly berries and 3 leaves. Fake Handbags I assembled and sewed them together as one piece before attaching with fishing line to the square.

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